Ask the child to make a cake for a special birthday. Specify how many candles should go on the cake.
Ask the child to slice the cake apart, counting the cake pieces and large icing top aloud. Ask the child to reassemble the entire cake, again counting the pieces aloud.
Turn the strawberry, gumdrop, and jelly-bean pieces face-down, shuffle them together on a play surface and arrange them neatly in a grid pattern. Two players take turns flipping over one piece at a time, adding the gumdrops and strawberries to the cake. If a player flips over a jelly-bean piece, the player loses a turn! The player who places the last topping onto the cake wins.
Using the topping pieces, create a pattern and have the child replicate it.
Play birthday party! Join the child in singing the birthday song and cutting pieces of cake for all the guests.