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NOLA Children's Books for the Next Generation of Readers

by Little Miss Muffin Staff 02 Aug 2023

new orleans childrens books


From bedtime stories to coloring books, from education to entertainment, children's books can open new worlds within the minds and hearts of babies, kids, and teenagers -- and the adults who read with them. 

At Little Miss Muffin, our collection of children's books from New Orleans authors and illustrators bring together the vibrant colors, flavors, characters, and storytelling of local lore past and present.

Your kids will love deep diving into local history, community, and natural surroundings with these NOLA children's books from our family of beloved local authors.

And be sure to check out our Store Events page for upcoming book signings and readings with these children's books authors, and more!

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NOLA Children's Books

from local and regional authors


Spelling Out Our NOLA Love

Learning the alphabet can be even more fun for your kids! These NOLA children's books mix the fun words and illustrations of New Orleans, Louisiana, and local culture into the alphabet soup of language learning.

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Books About Carnival Time

It's Carnival time year-round with this series of NOLA children's books. While waiting for the next season of Mardi Gras parades, your kids will love learning more about Mardi Gras traditions and hearing kid-friendly stories about parade season experiences.

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Zoo Reads with Local Animals

We went on down to the Audubon Zoo, and they all asked for you... to read them more books about all the local animals! From alligators and marine life to bugs and mudbugs, these NOLA children's books tell the stories of the many different types of animals in the Louisiana swamps, bayous, and beyond.

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Books for Bedtime

If reading to your kids is part of your family's nightly routine, they can drift to sleep listening to the sound of your voice narrating any of this series of NOLA children's books for bedtime.

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For the Little Saints Fans in Training

Just like their parents, the younger generations of New Orleans Saints fans take pride in being fans of the black and gold before, during, and after football season is televised. Your kids can enjoy reading these Saints-themed stories any time of year, and any time they want a reason to cheer, "Who Dat!"

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Living in Louisiana

Louisiana living, from the nature and weather to local food and culture, offers a variety of topics for storytellers and visual artists to be creative with as they seek to teach, inspire, and captivate the next generations of readers.

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Coloring Books for New Orleans Kids

Our NOLA children's books collection has a wide variety of stories for your kids to read and enjoy, as well as coloring books to keep them entertained and creatively inspired.

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New Orleans Foodie Stories

Your kids will love gobbling up these fun foodie stories almost as much as the beignets and etouffee dishes themselves!  

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Books for Your Growing Family

As your family grows to include new additions, these NOLA children's books encourage you and your kids to embrace the new family dynamic and all the excitement and responsibility of being an older sibling.

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Arcadia Publishing

Looziana Book Company LLC

River Road Press

NOLA Children's Books

Nia's Just For Kids Inc.

Melissa & Doug

Fantastic Saints

Second Line Ventures



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